After a massive bit of work we can happily say our Adult Market place is finally functioning as it should we are getting the adult deals for our readers that we wanted. The original idea was for the businesses that use this website, both wholesale and retail to have a place to anonymously interact in Australia.
This week saw the listing of our hundredth deal with an amazing offer of 35 adult dvd’s for $200 bucks it looks like the deal is a one of from a business that has a lot of dvd’s they have lost the covers to. While this might not be what an adult shop is looking for, If you are a lover of combat zone dvd’s then this should be enough dvd’s for a year.
Adult Deals For Everything
Of course while we are talking about just the one deal above we actually have a heap of adult deals listed in our market place. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for just one item or many the deals run the gauntlet and cover a wide range of items. At the moment we have listings for a multiple of different items from broken dvd’s to drug test kits and everything in between. In fact there is even a listing for what looks like a heated vibe but, is listed as a hand warmer.
Which such a diverse array of items listed I must say there is only one winner out of little adult market place and that would be the visitors to our website. So if you want to sell your adult goodies then you need to go no further than our Adult wholesale marketplace.
The beauty of our little market place is we list all adult deals for free all you need to do is have something that an adult would be interested in and we will sell it in our market place, as long as it is legal of course. Stay up to date with our market place and follow adult wholesale on twitter.
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