We are constantly getting esquires about how to set up a shop so we out sourced our Adult Shop Business Plan please understand this is to give you an Idea about what a professional business plan will look like there are many ways to make a business plan our writer used www.liveplan.com but you can get a free version at google docs . Now before you jump in and copy and paste this business plan you need to know many of the figures are a writer’s creation this Adult Shop Business Plan is a sample, You can of coarse use as much as you like it is distributed under creative commons. Simply let people know about adult wholesale Australia.
The fanciful location for this Adult Shop Business Plan is Sydney with many of the figures an absolute imaginative creation but it will give you an Idea of some of the things you need to know if you are going into business. The reason we commissioned a writer is because we could not find one that specifically mentioned an adult shop. To make a good business plan you need to know some basics.
- What Turnover you expect
- How Many customers you think you will get
- All your expenses , wages, cost of stock, phone , insurance, internet, fees and licenses , adverting plus anything else you can think of.
- Your expected profit
- Your expected casflow
Before you start think of a pitch: We always recommend that you start with the Pitch where you can quickly and easily develop your business strategy. The Pitch is designed to help you build a solid strategy for your business, share your ideas with business partners and potential investors, and jump start your business plan without having to do a lot of writing. Even if you aren’t planning on presenting to investors, the Adult Shop Business Plan Pitch is a great way to quickly review your business strategy and make sure you’re on the right track.
Adult Shop Business Plan Contents
- Executive Summary
- Opportunity:
- Expectations
- Opportunity
- Problem & Solution
- Target Market
- Competition
- Execution
- Marketing & Sales
- Operations
- Milestones & Metrics
- Company.
- Overview.
- Team
- Financial Plan.
- Forecast
- Financing
- Statements.
- Profit and Loss Statement
- Balance Sheet.
- Cash Flow Statement
Executive Summary
Local Adult Store. People that live in the city currently need to buy their sex toys online or from a shady store over 1 hour away that seems to focus on male customers. Which provides both a delay with the online option or an uncomfortable option for female customers.
The Local Adult Store Solution: Our solution is to offer a small professionally designed Sex Toy shop that serves both male and female customers including couples in a taste full and fun environment staying away from the traditional hardcore environment of sex shops of the past
The Local Adult Store market. With our intended midtown location, we are well situated to serve three core groups: downtown office workers, students on campus, and the weekend crowd out for evening entertainment. Our research suggests that those segments together represent a pool of more than 15,000 potential customers per day. Factor in the broad increase in understanding of the sex shop industry and the city’s strong population growth, and we see a great opportunity here.
The Local Adult Store. Residents and shoppers have a few options for sex toys and adult entertainment , but all of the alternatives to our shop have major flaws. Barryssextoyshop.com has a delayed delivery time. martys-sex-shop on Vine has booths and is quiet a sleazy type of setup with a really down market design.By comparison, our professional and clean design offers a contemporary sex toy sales environment designed to cater to our local customers needs and desires.
Why Us?
The Local Adult Store. Our founder, Jennifer Hong, is a successful and battle-tested serial entrepreneur. After getting her MBA from Northwestern and working for several years as an accountant, she started her first business, partnering with a cousin on a swim wear shop catering to people with larger clothing needs. After successfully selling this business and being a self described expert in sex toys and giving advice to friends and relative in Adult party plan Jennifer believes she can expand a business to be succefull.
The Local Adult Store. Our research suggests that we can average 20 customers a Day at an average sales of $50 bucks a sale. Approximately $1000 dollars a day if we take into account an average profit margin of 40%gp we will be looking at $365000 per year turnover and a gp of $145000
Gross Margin by month
Financing Needed
The Local Adult Store. We estimate that the business will cost the following $40000 fit out and $50000 stock and $20000 working capital cash in bank. We will not draw a wage for 2 months and we have some building friends that can reduce the fit-out cost.
Money needed $110,000 and how financed
- Cash We have: $20000
- Borrowed from Parents: $20000
- Redraw On Loan $70000
- Total $110000
Problem & Solution
Problem Worth Solving
The key problem for sex toy customer in our area is availability , selection and prices. the closest adult store is over 1 hour away this leaves our community serviced by an online store that takes 3 days for delivery and the store 1 hour away which has a large adult cinema and very limited sex toys.
Our Solution
Our Solution is simple, a cleverly designed sextoy shop focused on the customer and designed to welcome all types of customers not just focused one one type.
Target Market
The Local Adult store. We expect our strongest market segments to be professionals who work in downtown offices, students at the local university, and people who spend weekend evenings at downtown shows, concerts, and other gathering places.
According to our research, there are 2,000 to 3,000 office workers in the first category, about 70% of whom said in our survey that they , like sextoys and wanted sex toys but didn’t trust the online option and didn’t want to go to the store 1 hour away. The university has just over 12,000 students, about two thirds of whom live on campus or in off-campus housing near downtown. Evening visitors to downtown are harder to quantify, but based on our surveys and other attempts at sampling the crowds, we estimate that they represent another 300 to 500 potential customers each weekend evening.
Current Alternatives
The Local Adult store. In the geographic area we occupy, roughly halfway between downtown and campus, there are no competitors. The closest sex shop is one our away and the fastest online delivery is 3 days away. We have over 100 000 adult in our immediate suburb without access to sex toys.
Our Advantages
The Local Adult store: While we do not intend to do a discount offering our prices intend to be competitive. We intend to offer the most competitive sex toys in our market but still keep a 67% gp. Which will be possible by buying in volume and finding the best priced wholesale suppliers and distributors.
Marketing & Sales
Marketing Plan
We intend to use a multi approach
Online directories The internet is an increasingly powerful local marketing tool. As a first step, you can get listed with GoogleMyBusiness so customers searching Google and Google Maps find your contact details.
Radio Ads: Intend to run on alternate months for market saturation on certain days ,
pamphlet and letterbox drops
Sales Plan
The Local Adult store. Our store will be is equipped with an iPad running the familiar Square Register point-of-sale app. We accept payments by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Apple Pay. We also integrate with a small till to accept cash payments and make change. The till will interface with our online store.
Locations & Facilities
The shop we intend will be 2000 square feed approximate in a discreet location but with passing foot traffic we will be looking at a 5×5 lease
The Local Adult store, will use an integrated website and till either from shopify or bigcommerce depeding on best offer at time.
Equipment & Tools
We intend to use cloud computing and website/ till combination so we will be online immediately.
Milestones & Metrics
Key Metrics: Sales and Expenses
The Local Adult store. Our focus right now is on the most basic metrics: daily revenue, product costs, payroll, repairs, and profit margins.
The Local Adult store. The Star-Liner LLC is registered as a limited-liability corporation. Our two founders, Angie Johnson and Mark Powell, are co-owners with equal shares. No outside investors are involved at this point in time, though there might be an opportunity for that as the business grows.
Management Team
The Local Adult Store Executive Team
- CEO Brad Johnson
- Store Manager Lisa Johnson
Advisers: Accountants and Financial Advisers
Financial Plan
Key Assumptions
- Current Economic conditions stay the same
- Bank rates stay the same at %10
- No competition starts for our initial 1 year
Use of Funds
The Local Adult Store. The biggest expense will be the purchase and retrofitting of the Shop itself. We expect $50,000 for a shop and an additional $50000 for stock .
Sources of Funds
- Savings
- Friends and Family
- Bank Loan / Over draft
Projected Cash Flow
Projected Profit & Loss
Projected Balance sheet
Projected Monthly Profit & Loss
Projected Monthly Balance sheet
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