Ever since man created the blue pill many men have dreamed of exactly the same thing but for women yep Female Viagra well is the dream finally here , while not everybody needs it for instance Frank from It’s ‘Always Sunny In Philadelphia’ has a great way of attracting woman. He simple produces a wad of $100s and a pack of magnum condoms. However, those who know their Philly will note that Frank fails to get the lady he is trying to woo, by using this technique. The reason? Simple, women aren’t men.
If a lady showed me either money or condoms, of any value or size, I would be hers till death. Women are generally a little harder to turn on…unless you’re Thor, in which case you can even talk in Ye olde butcherede Englishe and still make the girls crazy.
For the rest of us we have to rely on something called romance. But wait, what about after you have already tricked (lets be honest, women deserve better than us blokes, so it must be a trick) her into being your partner? You can’t bring out the romance card every time you want to turn her on, it would get old quick, and you don’t want to do that to romance, as it can be a great last resort.
As long she is willing (being your partner, I hope she doesn’t have a headache too often) you can help her get into the mood with female viagra, a simple little pill, lubrication, drink, etc. If you don’t have a large range of these products in-store, you’re missing a huge erection, I mean section, of the market.
To be clear, if the lady isn’t into it then these wont do you a lot of good. They aren’t some magic love potion that will make any woman want to have sex with you, regardless of how horny she is. I know this can be hard to understand as a male, but being horny and wanting to have sex can be different things.
Maybe I’m not giving the guys out there enough credit, but speaking as a male myself, I would happily have sex with anything when turned on. So I thought it necessary to point out that the different genders sometimes view sex differently. This isn’t always the case, and if you a lady that thinks like I do, you marry her instantly!
If you have a willing partner, but she needs a little more encouragement than your rippling muscles, female viagra is your ace in the hand.
Female viagra comes in many different forms. One of the most popular forms is the Spanish Fly Liquid. She just put a few drops of this into her drink and it will help make her as wet as what she is drinking.
Here’s A great Female Viagra clip
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Another fast acting product are female viagra pills. Yes, such a thing exists. No, they don’t get a boner, as such. The Extreme Libido Caps can be taken to bring her to your level.
There are a lot of female viagra pills on the market, but I prefer the spanish fly liquid personally. This is for a purely selfish reason. You can get flavoured Spanish Fly Liquid that is designed as head job lubricant. That’s right, fellas! If sucking a liquid desinged to turn her on, off of your erect penis, doesn’t turn her on, then nothing will. Amiright guys! Guys?
Ok, since this is all about her, maybe you shouldn’t listen me on that last one. Oh, I know what to do, ask her what she wants! Maybe all she wants is a wad of $100s and some magnum condoms…please don’t tell your customers to do this.
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