We thought we had seen it all when it come to adult sex toys but just recently discovered this little beauty. It is a vibrator with a camera on it, yep you heard me right not only can you feel the awesome vibrations you can also see what you are doing with the vibe.
In this writers humble opinion this may just be the most important sexual device in 2014 it is an internal camera vibrator which just about covers everything you ever needed with a new sex toy. This sex toy is made to show you the way so to speak and, we think, will be a great seller this year.
[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1jyQZct” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/wZEJMOJpXls?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=wZEJMOJpXls&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=1&react=1&chapters=¬es=&emb=0″ id=”ep2252″ /]
Internal Camera Vibrator Sales Info
Care for women’s health , the innovative design allows you to inspect women’s bodies as if you were a gynaecologist “or a trainee gynaecologist , wink, wink”. The hidden search light enables you to explore the most hidden parts of a woman’s body. It has a unique viewing window where you can not only experience but also see the muscle spasm as the woman orgasms. The patented periscope will let you explore the awesome internal love tunnel of your partner and better understand your sexual adventure.
Because this product is only new It is hard to get in Australia so if you want one of these little wonders then you will have to buy from overseas. We have released this article about the internal camera vibrator because we think it is an awesome idea. We do hope that one of the local wholesalers gets this little beauty in.
If you are interested in more information then please visit the manufacturers page.
We are also looking for a non biased review of this product so if you are a user or a seller then please feel free to either comment on this article below or contact us .
andy mortimer says
Hi I have owned and run anadult shop and online business for the last 12 years and think that ur product my have a niche market appeal. The packaging of the product would be most important so as to firstly have strong appeal to the customer and secondly have a way of hanging the product on a slattwall.
I would strongly suggest a male on the front wearing a white coat and a stethoscope around his kneck witha big smile and the product should be packaged in a bubble mould display pack.
It should also, for the benefit of most countries have only english writing on the packaging. If u would like to send me about 5, One as a test unit for customers and four to gage popularity I would be glad to give you a good market appraisal of your product.
Kindest Regards
Harry Bell says
I think this product will absolutely go off in Australia although I agree with andy’s comments above need to be able to go on slatwall it looks like its a boxed products. But It is a great idea a camera + vibrator together bloody good Idea.
JB says
I want to know where you can get this in Australia we want on , and think it will be a great addition to our sex tool kit, bloody great idea if you ask me.