While we do not pertain to be experts in the Marijuana V Synthetics debate we do like to think of ourselves as interested parties. Because many of our readers are Adult businesses such as Adult Shops , Stores and Tobacconist it’s a lively discussion.
It Is our opinion that Natural is always best particularly when compared to some of the new synthetic drugs that are neither tested or even proven in any way before they meet the market. We have read multiple article about the damage done by synthetic drugs.
Synthetic drug Horror Stories
To prove its a worldwide problem we have added stories from around the globe.
- Istanbul Turkey Bonzai Fills hospitals http://www.dailysabah.com/nation/2014/08/25/damages-of-synthetic-drug-bonzai-surface-in-istanbuls-ers
- Spice Overdose In New Hampshire : http://www.reformer.com/state/ci_26368616/vermont-health-officials-issue-warning-about-spice-which
- Otago Threats To kill from synthetic drud user http://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/308947/synthetic-cannabis-blamed-threats-kill
Marijuana V Synthetics The Facts
In comparison synthetic cannabis is only a small drop in the bucket compared to Marijuana for instance 1.2% of Australians aged 14 years or older (about 230,000 people) had used synthetic cannabis in 2013 while 10.2% of Australians aged 14 years and over have used cannabis in the previous 12 months. http://www.druginfo.adf.org.au/topics/quick-statistics
Profits Not Worth It
Despite the legal implementations of selling a semi legal – illegal product the damage caused by these synthetic drugs is starting to snowball. Just for peace of mind alone we will be recommending anybody that contacts us for advertising synthetic drugs look elsewhere.
But Just to prove we are not just a bunch of anal old fools we will be advocating the legislation or legal-control of Marijuana. Of course the best way to do this is by selling it in adult shop’s and tobacconist as they are the one place in Australia where kid’s are not allowed. We will be covering the slow but steady change of course suddenly being touted by the government firstly with medical cannabis and then fingers crossed recreational cannabis.
Billy says
Synthetic pot is so damn dangerous. It was around for a few years and it managed to kill a few people. Real pot has been around for millennia (First record, Greek historian Herodotus’s reference to the central Eurasian Scythians taking cannabis steam baths 440 BCE) and has accumulated over this vast amount of time 0 deaths.
There are hundreds of deaths every year from vending machines, pencils, kittens, and even bed related injuries resulting in death…