The Worst Drug is website dedicated to bringing you the very best pornography related GIFs on the internet. This is no small task, as 99% of all GIFs only are of a pornographic nature. Despite the immense popularity, and the continued traffic to The Worst Drug, the owners find themselves in difficult times.
The taboo surrounding the porn industry is greatly affecting this websites ability to gain investors. Regardless of the traffic and possible business opportunities such a powerhouse could bring, investors aren’t willing to buy “sin stocks” so Popular Adults Sites suffer, as Katie, one of the employees of The Worst Drug, explains in an interview with BetaBeat’s Jordan Taylor.
One Of The Worlds Popular Adults Sites Is Short Of Cash
“Although the site has raked in tons of traffic, the team has yet to bring in funding—and that’s a problem,” Katie adds, that the majority of mainstream investors “generally won’t touch porn.”
Katie explains her dealings with VCs, and how they like the site just not the porn, “Investors purport to find it sinful, apparently, hence the term ‘sin stocks.’ I’ve spoken to dozens of VCs, some from very prestigious firms. They say they appreciate our tech and design, and ask us to contact them with our next project. Investors may have different preferences, like biotech or renewable energy, but this is $13 billion of annual U.S. revenue they’re leaving on the table.”
Katie expresses her dislike for the double standards of investors bot buying “sin stock”, “The food industry—just one example—wreaks havoc on our environment, keeps animals in torturous conditions, and contributes to obesity and an overwhelming number of health problems and expenses which don’t thwart this being a leading cause of preventable death, but eating a ham sandwich is not a sin. Porn is sin. Gay marriage is sin. Witchcraft is sin.”
While The Worst Drug has indeed received offers from investors of within the porn industry, however, as Katie explains, this didn’t go through in the end, “The team also got some offers from investors in the adult entertainment industry, and seriously considered working with a few of them, but ultimately decided against it when they realized their business practices were “corrupt. We don’t conduct ourselves that way.”
Katie concluded by giving a message to the investors out there, one they should all listen very closely too, as it isn’t only a message regarding the double standards of the porn industry, but many aspects of our lives in the 21st century, “Hey, investor guy, we wouldn’t be a porn site if you weren’t watching so much porn. We didn’t choose the pornographic content, we simply held up a mirror. The site pulls the most popular content, and this is it. It’s a survey of human behaviour which happens to be built on some of the best technology on the web.”
I’m with you, Katie!
To us having one of the worlds most Popular Adults Sites should be a boon but the problem is moneytising the traffice and when you start to do that you get a crap load of popups and your customers loose their support.
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